100% transparent charges
The Boiler Engineer Ltd have 100% transparent charges and we have a clear, upfront, open and honest pricing system.
Our rates are clearly shown below and our friendly and helpful staff will make customers fully aware of our rates on request.
Our pricing is ‘middle of the road’ but our service is second to none, as our customers will testify.
Prices Are Inclusive of VAT
Mon to Fri 8am to 5pm

*Fixed Price inclusive of burner nozzle. All other parts are chargeable if found unserviceable during inspection, but you will be asked if you are happy to proceed before they are fitted.
charges are 8am-5pm and with a one-hour minimum charge and thereafter in 30-minute units. Some work can be carried out on Estimate or fixed price quotation. Return visits to carry out a repair are charged purely on the amount of time the engineer is at your property, unless we have gone to collect the parts, to carry out the repair/works on/within the same day.
charges are during Mon/Fri 5pm-8am and Sat-Sun-Holidays are charged double the normal charges, out of hours is only when we are available.
We charge a minimum of one hour on all jobs/visits, thereafter work is charged in 30-minute increments, a returning visit/appointment will be charged also at a minimum of one hour (most other companies only charge in whole hours). Rates exclude materials but prices are shown as VAT inclusive.
You call us to explain you have a leak. Our engineer arrives and spends 40 minutes locating the leak or fault. If he can repair and it falls within the first hour, you will be invoiced for £108.00 plus Materials.
If a part is required to be ordered? You will be charged £108.00 for the first visit to identify the problem and part will be ordered with you confirming the cost of the parts. When part arrives from Supplier and a return visit is made, if it takes 20 minutes you will then be charged for an additional 60 minutes minimum (thereafter 60 minutes, if required charged at 30-minute increments).
Can be provided by our office which our engineer will inform you before work commences, but based only as an estimate not fixed price.
can be given if requested either verbal or a written quotation by our Office before work commences.
by The Boiler Engineer Ltd will be charged at trade price plus 20% mark up and are subject to VAT. We will use customer supplied materials were agreed prior to work commencement. However, customer supplied materials are NOT covered by our warranty Terms and Conditions. A copy of our T&Cs will be supplied upon request.
time for us collecting parts same day from a wholesaler of non van stock items will be kept to a minimum but is chargeable for our time. Our Engineer will always obtain permission before leaving to collect parts or materials.
as presented will clearly show a description of work carried out, these are emailed and upon request posted.
must be made in full by debit card (credit cards not accepted), cheque, cash or Bank Transfer Within 14 days of the invoice.